
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thankful for my Art Groups

Readers of my blog know how important my art groups are to my life. I feel fortunate to belong to several- Portland Art Collective, Portland Artist Group, Gussies art journaling retreat group, a weekly sketch group and a group that explores new art techniques together.

It's great to have so many like minded art friends. I learn something new from each member. They keep me inspired, encouraged to try new media and focused to create on a regular basis. Each friendship is a blessing.
The January/February issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors has an article entitled "Strength in Numbers- or how to start your own art group" written by Tory Brokenshire and Robin Olsen.

If you're not already in a local art group, I encourage you to start one for 2012.


  1. I know what you mean, I have a small group of friends who get together and do art-it is so nice. Wishing you a happy new year and blessings for 2012. Lorrie

  2. Stopping by to let you know I wore my necklace to bring in the new year....still so much in love with it!! ~ Bobbie Bryan

  3. It was such a great article about our group. I feel privileged to be part of such an artful, loving, generous group.

  4. I thought it was such a great article about our artful, loving, generous group. I feel privileged to be part of the Portland Art Collective.


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