Friday, November 21, 2008

Más de México

Mexico holds many contrasts. This "dualidad" or duality makes the culture so rich. The country celebrates family yet has a high incidence of domestic violence. In Oaxaca, forty women die each month. Light and dark coexist. In the Panteon General or main cemetery in the city or Oaxaca, organizations that help women made altars and offerings to those who have died, to recognize their lives and to honor them.
In Xoxocatlán, we spent a quiet afternoon sketching in the cemetery. Families show their respect to their family members who have died. The offerings for Día de Muertos celebrate
life and welcome the loved ones' spirits to be remembered. It's a special tradition to stay connected to family through many generations.

We observed the faithful in the many of the churches and cathedrals that we visited. Hardship often makes one appreciate the little things in life we take so much for granted. ¡Gracias por la vida! Milagros- Mexicans believe in miracles.
Even in our hotel room, the sacred is remembered.
Las Flores- the flowers and gardens speak to the soul with tropical plants, peaceful inner courtyards.


Judy Wise said...

How shocking that 40 women die in a month. What can we do?

Your journal pages however are beautiful. They are the opposite of death and sorrow.

Thank you. xo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. The art is wonderful