I used
Alma Cox's telamadera fusion technique to make this piece. She was a featured artist on
Oregon Art Beat in February. Her work inspired me to do a piece on wood with burnt-in lines of my sketch, acyclic paint and fused fabric. In Spanish,
tela is fabric and
madera is wood. She also wrote an article about her process in
Cloth Paper Scissors March/April 2008. I see she is teaching at Art & Soul in Portland this year. I left the mountain and sky painted without fabric and burnt into the wood the fir trees. It's a fun process.

I wanted to play with color and value studies using Photo Shop. It's hard to distinguish differences from this scan but it did help me see what colors to lighten or darken.

This is my final study before I put finishing touches on the piece.
Hi Paula, what an interesting picture, I don't remember reading about that telemera process, I'll have to look it up. And I never thought about using Photoshop to do color studies... great idea!
Like the new look on your blog too.
I am very impressed with your planning process for this piece! I also loved seeing it in person! Lenall
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