Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's sunny and it feels like spring!

A few of weeks ago, I drew these narcissus bulbs growing fast but missed seeing them in full bloom. On my walk today, flowers appeared everywhere.

With the sun out, the bulbs in the ground are blooming. I love the sunny color of the crocus . . .

the the sweet fragrance of the daphne by the front door

and the primroses. Did you see the snow moon lunar eclipse last night and the bright moon early this morning? Check out Michele's eclipse photos. What a blessing it is to witness these events and the renaissance of spring!

1 comment:

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Beautiful flowers! Looks like our run of spring-like days have come to an end, but oh, it was bliss. Love seeing your watercolors and fabric monoprints. Nice work, Paula!
hugs, Suzanne