Brenda Shackleford taught my last ArtFest workshop entitled "Get Your Sheets Together". It's a book binding method based on Keith Smith's "Single Sheet Sewing". In May, I'm planning a trip to New Mexico and decided to bind my travel journal using this technique.
A highlight of this day was spending it with friends and fellow students-
Penelope Harris, Marty Wallace,
Jann Sage and Karen Shafer.

This technique is great for binding together all different kinds of materials- heavy paper, metal, wood, canvas, pieces of artwork, artist trading cards, you name it. I took the covers of an old dictionary, attached ribbons to the cover and a NM state map on the inside cover.
The pages are from a box of 3M graphic arts film that someone in my art group gave to me years ago. The heavy paper sheets measure 16x20 inches and are like 300# hotpress watercolor paper. I tested it and it takes water media and ink really well. I think this was the the paper between the sheets of the film in the box. It says use before 2/93 on the label. I cut the pages to size and added some folded file folder pockets that I stitched on the spine side with the cover ribbon.

I'm looking forward to binding other books using this sewing method. I like how the pages lay flat which makes them easier to write text, sketch images and paint. Next month, I'll post photos of my completed travel journal.
Thanks for taking the class. I can't wait to see your finished journal. Take lots of pictures, draw a lot and most of all have fun:)
Brenda (aka beenebag)
Thanks, Brenda, it was a great workshop. I'm also excited to see the Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork.
Beautiful journal with such lovely binding, Paula! I can't wait to see how you fill it with your memoirs of New Mexico.
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